September Nominations

The September General Meeting, which will be held on TUESDAY, September 14th, at 12:30,
will be our nominations meeting.

The following positions will be open for election:


President and AFM Delegate


*Secretary-Treasurer (as AFM delegate only)

Four Executive Board members

Two Auditors

**Two Trustees

Alternate Delegate to the AFM Convention


Here is the pertinent information from our Local’s Bylaws:


Article 2

Section 18 – Delegates

a) The President and Secretary shall be Delegates, by right of office, to the Convention of the

American Federation of Musicians and to the Canadian Conference.

b) Alternate Delegates to attend the aforementioned Convention and/or Conference, and delegates to other organizations to which the Local is affiliated, shall be appointed by the President, or elected if so required by AFM/CFM Bylaws.


Article 3 – Eligibility of Members for Office

Section 1

a) Any member who has completed not less than twenty-one (21) months’ service on the

Executive Board of Local 180 shall be eligible for election or appointment to the office of

President, Vice-President or Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive reserves the right to vote on

the eligibility of a candidate who has served on the Board of another AFM Local.

b) Any member who has completed not less than twelve (12) consecutive months’ membership in Local 180 at date of nomination, and who is in good standing, shall be eligible for election to

the Executive Board.

Article 4 – Nominations and Election of Officers

Section 1 – Nomination

a) Nomination of Officers shall be held at the third General Meeting every second year.

b) Only members in good standing of the Local may nominate another member for office.

c) Absent members who have expressed in writing their willingness to accept nomination may be nominated. Absent members who wish to nominate another member must do so in writing, stating the position and the name of the nominee. Any such communication from absent members must be able to be authenticated by the Local.

d) No member may be nominated for election for more than one office, with the exception of the Delegates and Alternate Delegates discussed in Article 2, Section 18.


*Please note that, except for a first term, the Secretary-Treasurer is elected every four years. Robin Moir is in the middle of her present term. We would like to reconfirm her election as Delegate to the AFM Convention that will be taking place in June 2022.


**As per Article 1, section 1 of our bylaws, Trustees shall have been members in good standing for ten (10) years immediately preceding their nominations, and shall remain so throughout the term.


Former Executive Board member Steve Boudreau has agreed to serve as the chair of the election committee.


President: Francine Schutzman
Vice President: Gary Morton
Secretary-Treasurer: Robin Moir

Executive Board

Lance Elbeck
Mike Mullin
David Renaud
Sean Rice

Delegates to AFM Convention

Francine Schutzman
Robin Moir

President Emeritus

Glenn Robb


Office Staff

Administrative Officers:

Dan Blackwell
Braiden Turner

Office Assistant: Marlene Morton

MPTF Coordinator: Glenn Robb

Website: Dave Poulin


Your officers and editorial staff conscientiously screen all advertising submitted to the eNewsHarp. However, we cannot assume responsibility for product quality or advertising content, nor can your officers be held accountable for misrepresentations between side persons and leader/contractors.

Local 180 publishes the eNewsHarp on-line four times a year. In an election year, we also publish an election issue for members.

President’s Message

Francine Schutzman

I write this message with a feeling of optimism, tentative though it may be, and with the wish that many of our members will be able to return to work soon.

Despite the emergence of new variants of the Covid virus, I am hopeful that people will continue to exercise caution and to follow the guidelines given to us by health professionals, even as they change.

I attended the annual August conference of the Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians, held virtually for the second year in a row. One of the speakers was the legal counsel for OCSM, Michael Wright, a labour lawyer who is well known to our Local, as he has been the chief negotiator for our past two renewals of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) of the National Arts Centre Orchestra. Michael’s address to the group covered three main areas of concern. Despite the fact that he was talking about symphony orchestras, I believe that the information that he gave us is of general concern:

1. The impact of the pandemic on terms and conditions of employment, both financial and non-financial: the main area of adjustment to CBA’s has been in the area of electronic media. Orchestras and individuals have employed various kinds of mechanisms to try to reach their audiences. As for personal impact, we all know people who have suffered from mental health problems, isolation and financial strain.

2. Return-to-work protocols: the first year of the pandemic, musicians performed for the most part without live audiences, in ensembles of various sizes. Conditions for this type of work were worked out fairly cooperatively.

3. Testing and vaccines: we will be hearing more about this. There have been many arbitration decisions in Canada regarding vaccines, the use of masks, etc. Alcohol and drug testing is still a matter of litigation. Arbitrators have tended to say that there is a requirement of demonstration of a real problem (for example, an alcoholic whose work is adversely affected by their problem) that will be solved by a specific solution. In the absence of CBA terms that specifically address such matters, employers can impose conditions such as mandatory vaccines if they don’t breach the terms of the CBA, are reasonable and don’t breach human rights law. The conditions have to be universally applied.


As I am writing this, the federal government is debating whether or not to impose vaccines for the civil service. There are those who say that this is a breach of human rights. (As a personal aside, my opinion is that in this case, the good of society is much greater than that of the individual. But I digress). Getting back to Michael’s message, he told us that there is a test (the KVP test, named after what or whom nobody can remember, but long used) that sets out factors for a “reasonable approach.” Some unions have been grieving rapid Covid testing as being intrusive and unreasonable. Almost without exception, these arguments have been rejected by arbitrators. In the SARS epidemic, arbitrators were fairly unsympathetic to work refusals and grievances related to them. With Covid, the opposite is true because of the rapid rate of infection. Telling employees to get vaccinated in the absence of other health and safety measures would not be accepted. However, arbitrators are not waiting for evidence of a problem in the workplace because it is well known how Covid acts.

So what if you don’t want to get vaccinated and your employer or engager is requiring all musicians to be vaccinated? If it is for health reasons, a simple statement will not suffice. It can’t just be a note from your doctor. You will have to demonstrate that your health will be adversely affected by the vaccine. It has to be evidence-based. An objection based on religion also requires a fair bit of rigor to be accepted. Your objections have to be reconciled with the impact on your immediate colleagues and others in the workplace. Arbitrators are unlikely to intervene with an employer who is taking a reasonable, evidence-based approach.

My very great hope is that everyone reading this article will be doubly vaccinated. If you are not, you are putting yourself and your colleagues at risk, and there can be no relaxation of measures such as masking and distancing on stage. Yes, I realize that vaccinated people can carry the virus and infect others unknowingly. But your chances of getting quite sick and possibly dying are so much greater if you remain unvaccinated. Many people have said that they don’t know anyone who has died from Covid. Well, I do. I would hate to add any of our members to that list.

If you would like to read more about this matter, click on the link below.


Rapport de la président

Bien que quelque peu hésitante, je rédige le présent message avec un sentiment d’optimisme en espérant que plusieurs de nos membres puissent reprendre leur travail sous peu.

Malgré l’émergence des nouveaux variants du Coronavirus, j’ai bon espoir que les personnes continueront d’être prudentes et suivront les lignes directrices que nous fournissent les professionnels de la santé, malgré leur constante évolution.

En août, j’ai participé à la conférence annuelle de l’Organisation des musiciens d’orchestres symphoniques du Canada, tenue virtuellement pour une deuxième année d’affilé. L’un des conférenciers était le conseiller juridique de l’OMOSC, Michael Wright, un avocat en droit du travail bien connu de notre Section locale puisqu’il a été le négociateur principal lors des deux derniers renouvellements de la convention collective (CC) de l’Orchestre du Centre national des Arts. Dans son allocution, Michael a couvert trois principaux sujets de préoccupation. Bien qu’il ait parlé des orchestres symphoniques, je crois que les renseignements transmis sont d’un intérêt général, notamment :

1. L’incidence de la pandémie sur les conditions d’emploi, tant financières que non financières : les principaux ajustements aux CC ont visé les médias électroniques.  En effet, les orchestres et les particuliers ont utilisé divers mécanismes pour atteindre leur auditoire. Dans le cas de l’incidence personnelle, nous connaissons tous des personnes ayant souffert de troubles de santé mentale, d’isolation et de pressions financières.

2. Les protocoles de retour au travail : la première année de la pandémie, les musiciens se sont en grande partie exécutés sans auditoire en salle, dans des ensembles de diverses tailles.  Les conditions afférentes à ce genre de travail ont plutôt été effectuées dans un cadre de collaboration.

3. Le dépistage et les vaccins :  un sujet qui fera l’objet d’autres échanges. Plusieurs décisions arbitraires ont été prises au Canada relatives aux vaccins, au port du masque, etc.  Le dépistage de l’alcool et des drogues fait encore l’objet d’un litige. Les médiateurs ont eu tendance à dire qu’une réelle problématique nécessite une preuve tangible (par exemple, le travail étant compromis en raison du problème d’alcool de la personne) qu’une solution particulière pourra régler. Les conditions d’une CC ne tenant pas compte de tels enjeux peuvent permettre aux employeurs d’imposer des conditions telles que le vaccin obligatoire si elles respectent les conditions de la CC, si elles sont raisonnables et si elles respectent les lois sur les droits de la personne. Les conditions doivent être appliquées de façon universelle.

À l’écriture du présent message, le gouvernement fédéral est en train de débattre la question à savoir si oui ou non il doit imposer la vaccination pour la fonction publique. Certains disent qu’une telle imposition ne respecte pas les droits de la personne. (Je tiens à dire que dans un cas pareil, je crois que le bien de la société est beaucoup plus grand que celui de l’individu; mais je m’égare du sujet.) De retour au message de Michael qui nous a parlé d’un test (notamment le test KVP, qui doit son nom à qui ou à quoi personne ne se rappelle, mais est utilisé depuis longtemps) qui établit des facteurs d’une « approche raisonnable ». Certains syndicats ont contesté le test Covid, le qualifiant d’intrusif et d’exagéré.  Presque sans exception, les médiateurs ont rejeté ces arguments.  Lors de l’épidémie de SRAS, les médiateurs ont été plutôt antipathiques eu égard aux refus et aux griefs connexes. Dans le cas de la Covid, c’est bien le contraire en raison de la floraison rapide d’infections.  Il serait inacceptable de demander aux employés de se faire vacciner en l’absence d’autres mesures de santé et de sécurité. Toutefois, comme l’évolution de la Covid est bien connue, les médiateurs n’attendent pas la preuve d’une problématique en milieu de travail.

Qu’arrive-t-il alors si vous refusez le vaccin et que votre employeur ou gérant exige que tous les musiciens soient vaccinés? Si c’est pour des raisons de santé, une simple affirmation ne suffira pas. Vous ne pouvez simplement présenter une note de votre médecin. Vous devez montrer que le vaccin sera nocif pour votre santé.  Votre affirmation doit être factuelle. L’acceptation d’une objection fondée sur la religion exige aussi passablement de rigueur. Vos objections devront être conciliées avec l’impact sur vos proches collègues et d’autres personnes sur le lieu de travail. Les médiateurs ne sont pas susceptibles d’intervenir auprès d’un employeur qui adopte une approche raisonnable et factuelle.

J’espère sincèrement que toute personne lisant le présent article soit doublement vaccinée. Sinon, vous et vos collègues serez exposés à des risques, et aucun assouplissement des mesures telles que le port du masque et la distanciation ne sera possible sur scène.  Oui, je comprends que les personnes vaccinées peuvent être porteuses du virus et infecter d’autres personnes inconsciemment. Mais vos chances d’être très malade et même de mourir sont beaucoup plus grandes si vous n’êtes pas vacciné. Plusieurs personnes ont dit qu’elles ne connaissaient personne qui est décédée de la Covid. Eh bien moi j’en connais. Je ne voudrais pas ajouter l’un ou l’autre de nos membres à cette liste.

Si vous désirez en savoir davantage sur ce sujet, cliquez sur le lien ci-après (en anglais seulement).


Secretary Treasurer’s Message

Robin Moir

Dear Members

The International Executive Board has sent a directive to all locals to begin the reinstatement of all fines and penalties as of September 30, 2021. Our Executive Board has requested, through our International Representative Allistair Elliott, that we be allowed to continue our practice of not collecting any fines or penalties until December 31, 2021.

As a Board we feel that those who find they can finally pay their expired dues (between October -December of 2021) should not be subject to fines….as those who were also suspended or expelled earlier in the year did not pay those penalties.

I am suggesting most strongly to all members to pay their 2021 membership dues before December 31st…so that no fines apply. If those dues are not paid, the fines and penalties will carry over to January 2022, when according to AFM Bylaws we are mandated to charge fines and penalties…and that will be expensive.

We want to make it clear that If your Membership Dues are paid by the end of 2021, you will begin 2022 with a clean slate.

Until the end of 2021:

Regular Membership Dues – $197.00

Life Membership Dues – $95.00


As of January 1, 2022:

Regular Membership Dues – $217.00

(If paid by January 30/22 – $207.00)

Life Membership Dues – $110.00

(If paid by January 30/22 -$100.00)


If you find that your financial situation is still unsettled and in order to avoid fines and penalties, the Local suggests that members simply resign in good standing and rejoin when they begin to work again.

Filing of Contracts

One other major topic of importance is the filing of contracts. The Local has a fillable contract which contains all of the fields necessary for the pension office. It also contains the LEC language mandated by the CFM, which older contracts do not.



We have had complaints from the pension office to the effect that pertinent information is missing when the contracts arrive at the pension office. Our new contract contains all of the info needed. If you don’t have the SIN number of musicians, don’t worry, we are now able to use the AFM ID number. If you need that number, please call the office. You may have noticed that when you receive your membership receipt your AFM ID number is there.

By March 2022 we will not accept contracts that do not contain the LEC language. We are urging members to get used to this fillable now.

If you have more than 7 members, we have an addendum fillable so that you may attach it to the contract.

One of the main issues with the old contracts is that there is that there are no fields for work dues, temporary member fees or HST for musicians.

And finally, beginning January 2022 all contracts sent to the Local by email should be sent to

In terms of the Local’s teaching contacts, we are doing very well. All teachers are using the fillable contract for teaching and for that we are grateful. Thank you, teachers!

From what I have seen here in the office, there is more activity happening for our members daily. More P2s are being filed as well as contracts. This is excellent news!

In September the Canadian Conference is taking place and that will give us the opportunity to see what is happening in the rest of Canada.

Thank you.


Rapport de la secrétaire trésorière

À tous les membres

Le Conseil exécutif international a transmis une directive à toutes les sections locales selon laquelle les contraventions et les pénalités seront rétablies à compter du 30 septembre 2021. Notre conseil exécutif a demandé, par l’entremise de notre représentant international, Allistair Elliott, la permission de poursuivre notre pratique de ne pas percevoir de contraventions ou de pénalités avant le 31 décembre 2021.  

En tant que Conseil, nous croyons que les personnes pouvant enfin payer leur cotisation expirée (entre octobre et décembre 2021) ne devraient pas avoir à payer des contraventions… alors que les personnes suspendues ou expulsées plus tôt dans l’année n’ont pas eu à payer ces pénalités.   

J’encourage fortement tous les membres à payer leur adhésion 2021 avant le 31 décembre… afin qu’aucune contravention ne soit appliquée. Si ces cotisations ne sont pas payées, les contraventions et les pénalités seront reportées à janvier 2022, au moment où, conformément aux règlements administratifs de l’AFM, nous devons percevoir des contraventions et des pénalités… chose qui sera onéreuse.

Nous voulons établir clairement que si vos cotisations sont payées d’ici à la fin de 2021, vous commencerez l’année à neuf.

Jusqu’à la fin de 2021 : 

Cotisation des membres réguliers – 197 $ 

Cotisation des membres à vie – 95 $   


À compter de janvier 2022 : 

Cotisation des membres réguliers – 217 $ 

 (cotisation payée avant le 30 janvier 2022 – 207 $) 


Cotisation des membres à vie – 110 $   

 (Cotisation payée avant le 30 janvier 2022 – 100 $) 


Si votre situation financière est encore instable, et que vous voulez éviter les contraventions et les pénalités, la Section locale suggère que les membres démissionnent en bonne et due forme et adhèrent de nouveau au moment de reprendre leur travail.  

Enregistrement des contrats  

L’enregistrement des contrats s’avère un autre sujet fort important. Des contrats à remplir sont disponibles à la Section locale et comprennent tous les champs nécessaires pour le bureau des pensions.  Ces contrats comprennent aussi le langage LEC exigé par la FCM,  ce que les anciens contrats ne comprennent pas. 

Veuillez cliquer ici pour visionner le contrat.

Veuillez cliquer ici pour visionner l’addition au contrat

Nous avons reçu des plaintes du bureau des pensions afférentes au manque de renseignements pertinents lorsqu’ils reçoivent des contratsNotre nouveau contrat comprend tous les renseignements nécessaires. Si vous n’avez pas le NAS des musiciens, ne vous en préoccupez pas, nous pouvons maintenant utiliser le numéro d’identification de l’AFM. Si vous avez besoin de ce numéro, nous vous prions de communiquer avec notre bureau. Vous aurez peut-être aussi remarqué que le numéro d’identification de l’AFM apparaît sur votre reçu d’adhésion.

D’ici à mars 2022, nous n’accepterons pas de contrats n’ayant pas le langage LEC. Nous incitons les membres à se familiariser avec ce formulaire à remplir dès maintenant.

Si vous avez plus de sept membres, nous avons une annexe à remplir que vous pourrez joindre au contrat.

Le fait qu’aucun champ ne soit prévu pour les cotisations syndicales, les droits des membres temporaires ou la TVH des musiciens s’avère l’une des principales problématiques des anciens contrats.

Enfin, dès janvier 2022, tous les contrats transmis à la Section locale par courriel devraient être adressés à 

Sur le plan des contrats d’enseignement de la Section locale, tout se déroule très bien. Tous les professeurs utilisent les contrats à remplir réservés à l’enseignement, et nous en sommes reconnaissants. Grand merci aux professeurs!

D’après ce que j’ai observé ici au bureau, les activités augmentent quotidiennement pour nos membres. Davantage de visas P2 et de contrats sont enregistrés. Voilà une excellente nouvelle!

La Conférence canadienne aura lieu en septembre, nous donnant ainsi l’occasion de savoir ce qui se passe dans le reste du pays.

Merci à tous,  



How many of our Local members know what it’s like to play on a cruise ship? Just ask Ed Lister, who did it for nearly three years. Actually, it sounds as if Ed can do just about anything.

It all started when, to the best of Ed’s recollection, a brass quintet came to play at his school in London (UK, not Ontario).

Ed was drawn to the trumpet and, once he started playing it at the age of ten, he knew without question that that was what he wanted to do with his life. There weren’t any other musicians in his family, but he grew up listening to Big Bands, and he always loved music. He was in a classically-based youth music program for seven years before getting a degree in jazz at the Leeds Music College. As he was finishing up his time there, one of his professors said that, since Ed was a social guy and a great sight-reader, he might consider trying to get a cruise-ship gig.

So Ed auditioned — over the phone! He was flown to Florida (he played mostly for Carnival Cruise Lines) for an unknown job, where he met his first music director, a grumpy bass player who also happened to be a fantastic musician. This fellow welcomed Ed with the words, “This is your cabin, but don’t unpack yet, since I haven’t heard you play.” In those days, musicians could be sent home again before the ship left if it seemed that they wouldn’t be able to do the job. The rest of the band members were mostly Americans. Ed soon found out that there were some places on cruise ships that most voyagers don’t see: an infirmary, a jail, a prison…Nobody had a single room except the music directors, so Ed shared with a variety of people in the entertainment department — musicians, dancers, etc.— in a space perhaps 6 1/2 x 12 feet.

That cruise ship experience gave Ed not only several years of steady employment but an introduction to his Canadian wife, who was on her first cruise with a friend. They moved to Ottawa about eleven years ago, and the phone started ringing right away, Ed says. He plays shows, jazz and classical music, runs a couple of tribute bands — you name it. 

Before Covid, Ed was playing with fifteen bands fulltime and doing the occasional gig with seven or eight others. He has an eleven-piece tribute band for music of Sly and the Family Stone; they’re planning a US tour next year. Another eleven-piece band, The Prime Rib, comprised of the local heavyweight players, performs many of Ed’s own compositions. They were a popular monthly fixture at Irene’s Pub, where the bar served — you guessed it — a prime rib dinner on the nights they played. An eight-piece wedding band, The Rock Steadies, is starting to get some gigs now that things have opened up.


Ed also teaches. Before Covid, he was too busy performing to do much private teaching, but he does have a couple of students. In addition to coaching the jazz ensemble at Carleton U, he spends 6-9 hours a week coaching the kids in Orkidstra at both venues — the Bronson Centre and Rideau HS.

Ed describes himself as business-savvy, and says that he is as much a businessman as a trumpet player. He looks for niches that need to be filled. At the age of 19, he was managing two venues in Leeds. More recently, he put together a James Bond tribute that was to be presented at the National Arts Centre. Unfortunately, after it sold out, it was cancelled, as were so many events during our lockdown.

Online gigs and streamed concerts kept Ed playing during the pandemic, but he found other ways to supplement his income. Always handy, he started building decks and fences and has been quite busy doing that.

When asked if he had any funny gig stories, Ed recounted a short tour in Romania a few years ago with singer Angelique Francis. They wound up staying in an old wooden hotel in Transylvania, right next door to the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler, otherwise known as the inspiration for Dracula. The group played a blues concert for an audience that went absolutely crazy. Whether it was the music or the little vials of Romanian moonshine that they all seemed to be carrying, it was a wild night. It lasted until 7:00 the next morning, upon which Ed passed out, only to be awakened by loud pounding on his door, since the tour bus was leaving at 7:30. It sounds as if he wasn’t in the greatest shape for the bus driver’s insanely fast careening through the mountains. But they all survived, bringing Ed back to Ottawa to share his many gifts with us.


Tuesday, September 14th @ 12:30 p.m. from your place 


If you know ahead of time that you’re attending, please notify so he can send out the past meeting’s  minutes for your review.

Supply your own lunch.

 . . . . . from our homes to yours:



This is a golden opportunity to attend a Local 180 General Meeting if you
haven’t been able to do so in the past because of distance or work.


Tuesday, September 14th, 12:30 PM


If you know ahead of time that you’re attending,
please notify so he can send out the past meeting’s  minutes for your review.


1. Download the Zoom app if you don’t already have it.
2. Send Robin or Dan an email to confirm your attendance.
3. Wait breathlessly to receive an email with the meeting ID number and password.
4. When the meeting time arrives, simply click on the link in the email.
Special instructions: Bring your own pizza.



Maurice (Moe) Allan Wozniak

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Maurice (Moe) Allan Wozniak. Moe died peacefully on August 23, 2021.

An obituary cannot begin to describe the life that Moe lived and the person that he was. Moe was charmingly controversial, always regaling his friends with stories that would make you double over with laughter or shake your head in disbelief. He was truly one of a kind, tackling life’s challenges with a style and cleverness unmatched by any other.

Whether you were meeting Moe for the first time or you had known him his whole life, he always made you feel welcome. His laugh was infectious, and even in his worst moments, you couldn’t help but be charmed by his wit and love of life. When you put a trombone in his hands, you couldn’t help but be wowed by his amazing talent.

Born on April 2, 1951 in Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Moe is survived by his partner Karen, son Ryan and his wife Jesstina, daughter Kristin and her partner Greg, step-daughter Ginger, four grandchildren (Max, Evelia, Haseeba, and Griffin), five siblings (Sandra, Barbara, Stuart, Perry, and Penny), countless lifelong friends including Marsha K, Ian C, Herb P, Dan B, Charlie G, Dave D, Dave J, Bob & Jane H, committed neighbours, the supportive Canadian music community, and his Toastmasters crew.

He truly believed that it was “great to be alive!”, and that’s exactly how he lived.

An informal celebration of life will be held at a later date. Details to come.

Linda Price

Linda Price suddenly passed away in hospital on Monday, March 29, 2021, at the age of 73. Linda was the wife of Local 180 member Gordon Price. Linda and Gord’s love not only endured the test of time but it grew stronger and better throughout their 54 years together. A private family service will be held. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation would be appreciated by the family. 

Bill Helman

Former member of Don Norman and The Other Four, bassist Bill Helman was part of the 60s music scene in Ottawa.

Bill was born August 29th, 1945. He passed away on his birthday, August 29th, 2021.

Daryl Wadsworth

Daryl made his mark on the 60s Ottawa music scene as a member of The Raphaels. He played in a number of bands over the years and began selling real estate in the mid 80s. He continued writing and recording songs – many of which he made into entertaining and often tongue-in-cheek music videos.

Daryl passed away peacefully from cancer on August 25th.




With the support of the friends, family and fans of the membership of the Musicians’ Association of Ottawa-Gatineau, the Local established this fund to assist the music community impacted so deeply by the pandemic. It is a fund created by musicians for musicians. For more information email:


The Unison Benevolent Fund’s mission is to help professional music-makers in times of hardship, illness or economic difficulties. Unison provides a vital lifeline for members of the Canadian music community; and due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for Unison’s counselling and emergency relief services has never been greater.

Unison Benevolent Fund CLICK HERE


SOCAN Foundation announces the launch of the SOCAN Foundation Relief Fund for SOCAN members during the COVID-19 pandemic. “While SOCAN members are quarantining, the SOCAN Foundation offers this program to provide some financial support to music creators and publishers to get through these unprecedented times. This new fund is open to all SOCAN members who have earned more than $500 in royalties in the four most recent SOCAN distributions.


Over the years many of our members have turned to the Actors’ Fund of Canada, which has been in existence since 1958 and disburses over $500,000 annually to cover necessities for members of all the many and various trades and professions that make up the entertainment industry, including musicians. Common requests include: Rent or mortgage, Grocery costs, Medical costs, Emergency dental costs, Utility bills Dues (maximum of one year’s worth of dues; no initiation fees)

Childcare expenses

Support for individuals

Support for Independent production companies

We are creating the Short-Term Compensation Fund initiative to compensate independent production companies for the lack of insurance coverage for COVID-19–related filming interruptions and production shutdowns in the sector.The fund will make as much as $50 million available for the industry.

Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)

The CRB provides $500 per week for up to 26 weeks for workers who have stopped working or had their income reduced by at least 50% due to COVID-19, and who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI).

Employer Payroll Service:

When the services of an Employer Payroll Service are required, that fee will be calculated at 25% of each contract total.

Clause 9A Limited Pressing recordings (3000 copies or fewer)
Mandatory 12 % pension and 5% work dues
Leader: $87.50 per hour Musician: $55.00 per hour


These two amendments reflect what is happening on a national level.

New Members

HANNA JUDGE-Vocalist, Bass, Guitar
MATHIEU LANDRY-Drums, Percussion
LUDOVIK LESAGE-HINSE  Alto Clarinet, Classical Clarinet, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, E Flat Clarinet, Chalumeau, Saxophones: Soprano Alto, Baritone, Tenor
MADELINE LINK-Vocalist, Guitar

Our new mailing address is:

Box 47 Manotick 

Manotick ON

K4M 1A2

AFM ID Numbers

Dear Members,

For the purposes of filing contracts, the Musicians’ Pension Fund of Canada has done a great deal of work to protect the privacy of members in terms of SIN numbers. Canadian Locals are now permitted to use an AFM ID number in lieu of a SIN number on all contracts.

When sending funds from the Local 180 office, we will require you to know your AFM ID number.

Beginning in January this year, the office has included your AFM ID number on your membership dues receipt, which you received in the mail.

You may also go to and register there to obtain your AFM ID number and update any information. The good thing about registering on the site is that when you update your personal information, it is also received in the office so that we are current. 

Upcoming Local 180 General Meetings in 2021

Tuesday, September 14, 2021 ON-Line VIA ZOOM

Monday, December 13, 2021 – ON-Line VIA ZOOM


Monday to Friday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Here are the closure dates from now until the end of 2021

Good Friday, April 2

Easter Monday, April 5

Victoria Day, Monday, May 24

Canada Day, Thursday, July 1

Civic Holiday, Monday, August 2

Labour Day, Monday, September 6

Thanksgiving, Monday, October 11

Remembrance Day, Thursday, November 11

Holiday Closing:

Closed – Thursday December 23 at noon

Open – December 27

Closed – December 30 at noon until Monday, January 3, 2021

Attention Members!!!

Due to popular demand members may now pay membership dues using E-Mail Transfer using the email address

Once we process the transfer, we will send you an electronic receipt.

Thank you!


Do we have your current email address?

The Local 180 Office sends out important advisories to members by email and we want to make sure that you’re reachable. This year the Local will also be paying most musicians using E-Transfer and Direct Deposit, so we MUST have your correct e-mail address.

Please notify the office of any changes to your contact information. Include your phone number, home address and email address.

Call (613)700-9260 to make sure that we have your correct contact information.


A person who has been expelled from our Association is no longer a member of the Association or the AFM. Members and leaders are reminded:

Do not play engagements with non-members. Persons are generally expelled for serious violations of our Constitution and Bylaws. Expulsion is not a life sentence; the individual has the right to settle these matters with the Board and regain member status. But until that step has been taken, we urge leaders and members not to give non-member rights and privileges which belong only to members.


YEARLY DUES – $212.00

HALF-YEAR DUES – $110.00


YEARLY DUES – $110.00


Next Deadline for Membership Dues JUNE 30, 2021





Your business is music to our ears.

You spend hours perfecting your talent and invest in equipment which allows you to express it.

HUB International is in-tune with your needs and has you covered.

· All-risks’ coverage on your instruments and equipment
· Worldwide coverage
· Rental Reimbursement — up to $10,000 in coverage, if you need to rent instruments or equipment in the event of a loss
· $100 deductible per occurrence on instruments and equipment
· Commercial General Liability including bodily injury, property damage, medical payments tenants legal liability and non-owned automobile
· Up to $2,500 coverage on promotion material, T-shirts, CD’s, posters, etc.
· Loss of earnings up to $5,000 due to loss or damage to venue
· Loss of earning up to $5,000 due to loss or damage to equipment
· Rented, Leased or Borrowed Equipment, $10,000 limit up to 14 consecutive days

· $2 rate per $100 sum insured for Instruments and Equipment
· Liability rates ($500 deductible):
o $1,000,000 limit – $60 per member
o $2,000,000 – $115 per member
o Higher limits available upon request

Cristina Omar| | 519-325-1785 | TF: 800-463-4700
Musicians’ Instrument
Equipment Liability
Specifically for
CFM / AFM members