President, Francine Schutzman;
Vice President, Gary Morton;
Secretary-Treasurer, Robin Moir
Executive Board
Lance Elbeck
Mike Mullin
David Renaud
Sean Rice
Delegates to AFM Convention
Francine Schutzman
Robin Moir
President Emeritus
Glenn Robb
Office Staff
Administrative Officers:
Dan Blackwell
Marlene Morton
MPTF Coordinator: Glenn Robb
Website: Dave Poulin
Your officers and editorial staff conscientiously screen all advertising submitted to the eNewsHarp. However, we cannot assume responsibility for product quality or advertising content, nor can your officers be held accountable for misrepresentations between side persons and leader/contractors.
Local 180 publishes the eNewsHarp on-line four times a year. In an election year, we also publish an election issue for members.
President’s Message
Francine Schutzman
What Happens in Vegas DOESN’T Stay There
It was the best of times, the worst of times…I’m talking about the AFM Convention that was held in Las Vegas at the end of June. If you read my article in the June Harp, you’ll know that the Convention normally takes place every three years but was postponed for a year because of the pandemic. It’s held in Vegas because it’s a union-friendly city and because the hotels there are relatively inexpensive — the food, not so much, unfortunately. It was truly wonderful to be able to meet face-to-face again with our colleagues on both sides of the border, and to enjoy the excellent work of the AFM staff members, both Canadian and American, who made the event run so smoothly.
I was due at the convention hotel a few days early because of being on the Law Committee. This is a group of fifteen people, many of whom have been together for at least three conventions. Our job is to discuss proposed changes to the AFM Bylaws. It is humbling to be surrounded by such bright, respectful, thoughtful folks, and I thoroughly enjoy the committee work. There were thirteen Recommendations put forward by the International Executive Board and twenty-three Resolutions proposed by AFM members and Locals, to be voted on eventually by the convention delegates after they had been discussed by the various committees, which in turn heard testimony pro or con each Rec and Res during the course of the convention.
In the days before the convention started, our committee discussed those that had been assigned to us, wondering why a certain one that looked as if it should have been given to us had in fact been assigned to a different committee. I am referring to one of the five resolutions put forward by the Canadian Conference (each AFM Local is a member of a geographic conference within the union, with all of the Canadian Locals belonging to the CanCon, as we call it).
The CanCon proposed a resolution dealing with mental-health training for Local officers and staff which was eventually referred to the International Executive Board, or IEB, for action. It was deemed to be important, but details need to be worked out. Two other CanCon resolutions, as with many of the other resolutions brought to the convention, were essentially housekeeping items. One gave the VP from Canada (VPC) an extra title — Director of Canadian Affairs — that puts him on an equal footing with Canadian colleagues in other industries and clarifies his role when dealing with Canadian government agencies. The other named him a delegate to the Canada Labour Congress, thus codifying current practice and past practice.
The two remaining CanCon resolutions were designed to clarify the role of the VP from Canada. Backing up once again: the IEB has two Vice-Presidents, one from the States and one from Canada. The VP from Canada is the only IEB member who is, according to the AFM Bylaws, under the direct supervision of the AFM President. This is despite the fact that the union is called The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada. On paper, at least, we are supposed to be equal partners, but the head office is in New York.
One of those resolutions dealt with media, with the goal of letting the VPC approve media agreements that deal only with Canadian productions. As it can sometimes be difficult to determine where funding for a production actually comes from, and therefore how Canadian it actually is, this matter was referred to the IEB to deal with, presumably with more refined and defining language.
The remaining resolution, which we felt should have been given to the Law Committee, tried to give the VPC a small degree of autonomy. Its main goal was to remove the direct supervision of the VPC by the AFM President. This was strongly opposed by the outgoing IEB President and Secretary/Treasurer as well as many of the delegates, who felt that this indicated a splintering of the union. I proposed an amendment that removed the language that appeared to be so objectionable but that left in proposed language that would give the VPC the ability to act, without needing to consult the AFM President, in the case of an emergency affecting only Canadian members. The amendment removing the “objectionable” language passed on the floor, but unfortunately the resolution itself did not, so the VPC still cannot act independently in an emergency. This felt like a real slap in the face to the Canadians, and we all walked out of the convention. It was the final resolution to be dealt with (it’s too bad that such an important issue was left until the end), and I was told that we missed a number of speeches by the retiring, returning and newly-elected IEB members.
So that was the rather bitter end of what had been to that point a good gathering. However, we did make huge gains in another area: we now have two Canadians on the IEB in addition to the VPC. We had never had even one. Three returning at-large members of the IEB were all re-elected, as were the two Vice-Presidents: Dave Pomeroy from the US and Alan Willaert from Canada. The two aforementioned Canadians — Dusty Kelly from Local 145 and Luc Fortin from Local 406 — were the only new at-large members elected. We look forward to working with the new AFM President, Tino Gagliardi, and Secretary-Treasurer, Ken Shirk, and we offer especially hearty congratulations to our Canadian representatives. We know that these two worthy individuals will do their best to look after the interests of not only the Canadians who now make up roughly a quarter of the entire AFM membership but of all members of the American Federation of the United States and Canada.
The Convention was not just devoted to discussion of possible bylaw changes. We heard from the outgoing AFM President, Ray Hair. There were inspirational speeches and updates from representatives of a myriad of agencies directly connected with the work of our members — the Music Performance Trust Fund, the Sound Recording Special Payments Fund, SoundExchange, the Film Musicians Secondary Market Fund — as well as those more indirectly related, such as the Office of Labor-Management Standards, SAG-AFTRA, the Actors’ Equity Association, the International Federation of Musicians, and the Southern Nevada AFL-CIO. We also heard one fabulous band after another, playing before each convention season, during the lunch breaks and at the gala reception that was held the night before the first convention session. I am happy to report that our industry is emerging well from the pandemic and that all signs point towards a full recovery!
Rapport de la président
Ce qui se passe à Vegas NE RESTE PAS là
C’était à la fois la meilleure et la pire des époques… je parle de la Convention de l’AFM tenue à Las Vegas à la fin de juin. Si vous avez lu mon article dans le Harp de juin, vous savez que la Convention a généralement lieu à tous les trois ans et qu’elle a été reportée d’une année en raison de la pandémie. Las Vegas est l’endroit de choix puisque c’est une ville syndicale conviviale et que les hôtels sont relativement économiques – la nourriture, pas tant, malheureusement. C’était merveilleux de revoir en personne nos collègues des deux côtés de la frontière et de profiter de l’excellent travail des employés de l’AFM, tant canadiens qu’américains, qui ont fait en sorte que l’activité se déroule sans heurts.
Comme je fais partie du comité judiciaire, j’étais attendue à l’hôtel quelques jours avant le début de la Convention. Le comité se compose de 15 personnes, dont bon nombre s’y retrouvent depuis au moins trois conventions. Notre travail consiste à discuter des modifications proposées aux Règlements administratifs de l’AFM. C’est un exercice d’humilité d’être entourée par des personnes aussi intelligentes, respectueuses et attentionnées, et c’est d’ailleurs un travail que j’adore. Le International Executive Board a présenté 13 recommandations, tandis que les membres et les sections locales ont proposé 23 résolutions sur lesquelles les délégués à la Convention devaient éventuellement voter, à la suite des discussions parmi les divers comités, qui à leur tour ont, au cours de la Convention, entendu des témoignages en faveur ou contre chacune des recommandations et des résolutions.
Quelques jours avant le début de la Convention, notre comité a échangé sur les recommandations et résolutions qui nous avaient été assignées, en se demandant pourquoi l’une d’elles, qui semblait relever de nous, avait été assignée à un autre comité. Je me réfère à l’une des cinq résolutions présentées par la Conférence canadienne (chaque section locale est membre d’une conférence géographique à l’intérieur du syndicat, et toutes les sections locales canadiennes font partie de la CanCon, comme nous la nommons).
La CanCon a proposé une résolution traitant de la formation en matière de santé mentale à l’intention des représentants et du personnel des sections locales, laquelle a été finalement renvoyée au International Executive Board, ou IEB, afin qu’il en donne suite. Elle était jugée importante, mais certains détails doivent être mis au point. Deux autres résolutions CanCon, comme plusieurs autres résolutions présentées à la Convention, visaient essentiellement des modifications administratives. L’une ajoutait un titre au VP du Canada (VPC) – directeur des affaires canadiennes – le mettant sur un pied d’égalité avec ses collègues canadiens dans d’autres industries et clarifiant son rôle dans ses échanges avec des agences gouvernementales canadiennes. L’autre le nommait comme délégué au Congrès du travail du Canada, codifiant ainsi les pratiques courantes et les pratiques passées.
Les deux résolutions CanCon restantes visaient à clarifier le rôle du VP du Canada. Faisant encore marche arrière : l’IEB compte deux vice-présidents, un provenant des États-Unis et un provenant du Canada. Le vice-président du Canada est le seul membre du IEB qui, selon les Règlements administratifs de l’AFM, relève directement du président de l’AFM. Et ce, en dépit du fait que le syndicat se nomme The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada. Sur papier, à tout le moins, nous sommes censés être partenaires à part entière, cependant le siège social est à New York.
L’une de ces résolutions concernait les médias, et avait comme but de permettre au VPC d’approuver des ententes avec les médias concernant uniquement des productions canadiennes. Comme il est parfois difficile de déterminer la source de financement d’une production, et en conséquence à quel point elle est canadienne, le règlement de cet enjeu a été renvoyé au IEB, vraisemblablement avec un libellé davantage sophistiqué et déterminant.
La résolution restante, qui à notre avis aurait dû être attribuée au comité judiciaire, tentait d’accorder une certaine autonomie au VPC. Elle avait comme objectif principal de supprimer l’article voulant que le VPC relève directement du président de l’AFM. Le président sortant de l’IEB, le secrétaire trésorier ainsi que plusieurs des délégués se sont carrément opposés à cette résolution, croyant que cela indiquait une fragmentation du syndicat. J’ai proposé un amendement, lequel retirait le libellé qui semblait inacceptable mais qui laissait le libellé proposé permettant au VPC d’agir, sans avoir à consulter le président de l’AFM, en cas d’une urgence ayant seulement une incidence sur les membres canadiens. Les délégués ont adopté l’amendement supprimant le libellé « inacceptable », cependant la résolution comme telle n’a malheureusement pas été adoptée. En conséquence, le VPC ne peut toujours pas agir indépendamment dans une situation d’urgence. Pour les Canadiens, c’était comme recevoir une gifle au visage, et nous avons tous quitté la Convention. C’était la dernière résolution à régler (c’est malheureux qu’un enjeu aussi important ait été laissé pour la fin), et l’on m’a dit que nous avons manqué plusieurs discours des membres du IEB sortants, réélus et nouvellement élus.
En outre, ce fut une fin plutôt amère à ce qui avait été une belle rencontre jusqu’à ce moment-là. Toutefois, nous avons réalisé d’énormes gains dans un autre domaine : deux Canadiens font maintenant partie du IEB en plus du VPC. Nous n’en avions jamais même eu un. Trois membres du IEB sans portefeuille ont été réélus, comme l’ont été les deux vice-présidents, notamment Dave Pomeroy des États-Unis et Alan Willaert du Canada. Les deux Canadiens susmentionnés, soit Dusty Kelly, de la Section locale 145 et Luc Fortin de la Section locale 406, étaient les seuls nouveaux membres sans portefeuille élus. Nous anticipons collaborer avec le nouveau président de l’AFM, Tino Gagliardi, et le secrétaire trésorier, Ken Shirk. Nous offrons aussi de vives félicitations à nos représentants canadiens. Nous savons que ces deux valeureuses personnes feront de leur mieux pour veiller aux intérêts, non seulement des Canadiens qui représentent maintenant à peu près un quart de l’ensemble des membres de l’AFM, mais à ceux de tous les membres de la American Federation of the United States and Canada.
La Convention n’a toutefois pas uniquement porté sur les modifications proposées aux Règlements administratifs. En effet, le président sortant de l’AFM, Ray Hair, nous a adressé la parole. Nous avons entendu des discours inspirants et des mises à jour provenant de représentants d’une myriade d’agences intimement liées au travail de nos membres — le Music Performance Trust Fund, le Sound Recording Special Payments Fund, la SoundExchange, le Film Musicians Secondary Market Fund — ainsi que des agences moins intimement liées, telles que l’Office of Labor-Management Standards, la SAG-AFTRA, l’Actors’ Equity Association, la Fédération internationale des musiciens et la Southern Nevada AFL-CIO. Nous avons également entendu un magnifique groupe après un autre, s’exécutant devant chaque convention, pendant les pauses du midi et au gala tenu la veille de la première séance de la Convention. Je suis heureuse de signaler que notre industrie s’en tire bien à la suite de la pandémie et que tout indique un rétablissement complet!
Secretary Treasurer’s Message
Robin Moir
Canadian Conference 2023 Report
The 2023 Canadian Conference took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23-25. Twenty of twenty-four Canadian Locals were represented. The delegates from Local 180 were President Francine Schutzman and Secretary-Treasurer Robin Moir.
The Conference was called to order at 6:00 PM on Friday, and after the singing of the Canadian national anthem and introduction of the delegates present, President Paul LeClair appointed the committees as follows:
Credentials: Robin Moir L. 180
Financial Review: Chair Sue Moore L. 518
Varun Vyas L. 571
Norm Slongo Consultant L. 591
Resolutions: Chair Francine Schutzman L.180
Skip Kutz L. 553
Bob Fraser L. 247
Eddy Bayens, Consultant L. 356
Elections: Chair Al Torrance L. 384
Brian Sklar L. 446
Francine Schutzman L. 180
Locations: Chair Debi Sander Walker L. 149
Eric LeFebvre L. 406
Standing Committees:
Diversity: Chair Debi Sander Walker L. 149
Gloria Dawn Halverson L. 149
Kathy Moore L. 467
Luc Fortin L. 406
Standards: Chair Doug Kuss L. 547
Dusty Kelly L. 149
Larry Feudo L. 293
Paul Leclair L. 276
Robin Moir l.180
Debi Sander Walker L.149
These committees are struck each conference to review the business of the Conference for the preceding year and to prepare for the upcoming one. As 2023 was an election year, taking place the same year as the AFM Convention elections, an Election Committee was formed.
We then heard reports from the Canadian Office: Liana White, Executive Director of the CFM; Allistair Elliott, the International Representative from Canada; Bernard Leblanc, Director of Symphonic Services Canada; Wages Argott, Director of the Freelance Division of the AFM, and Susan Whitfield, Director of Administration for the AFM Canada office.
Doug Kuss, Local 547, Chair of the Standards Committee, reported on the work accomplished, and Robin Moir, Local 180, gave the Secretary-Treasurer’s report on behalf of outgoing Secretary-Treasurer Janna Malseed, who did not attend the Conference.
All the reports had been previously submitted to the Canadian Conference and distributed to the delegates.
Of particular interest to the delegates was the updated Resource Guide for local Officers, which was spearheaded by the Standards Committee. The guide is an invaluable resource for officers, and it is now updated for Canadians.
On day two of the Conference, delegates were addressed by outgoing AFM President Ray Hair and outgoing AFM Secretary-Treasurer Jay Blumenthal.
Ray Hair delivered a scathing address on the resolutions that had been put forward by the Canadian Conference to the AFM Convention. The Canadian Conference had submitted five resolutions, all dealing with how Canadian affairs are managed; the resolutions were designed to ensure that all Canadian matters are under the jurisdiction of the Vice President from Canada. Ray saw our resolutions as an affront to him and to the AFM. He did not seem to understand that Canada is a sovereign nation and subject to Canadian laws. This did not bode well for the upcoming Convention.
International Secretary-Treasurer Jay Blumenthal gave a report on the healthy financial state of the AFM.
Vice President from Canada Alan Willaert gave a report on the many negotiated Canadian Agreements that had been completed during the year, and the many still in negotiations.
The Canadian Conference board permitted MROC (the Musicians’ Rights Organization of Canada) to hold its general meeting during the conference to better facilitate attendance. Managing Consultant Diana Barry chaired the MROC presentation.
After the MROC discussion there was a short break, and the nomination of officers and explanation of election procedures took place.
The featured discussion during the latter half of day two, regarding small Locals, had been requested by many of the small Locals in Canada. The conversation did not provide any insights or new information. It seemed that the Locals were unprepared or unwilling to discuss their diverse yet similar situations.
On the final day of the Canadian Conference the various committees gave their reports, and the business of the elections was begun.
President Paul Leclair L. 276 – Acclaimed
Vice President, Luc Fortin L. 406 – Acclaimed
Secretary Treasurer, Robin Moir L. 180 – Acclaimed
Board Member – Sue Moore L. 518
Board Member – Rea Beaumont L. 149
Board Member – Francine Schutzman L. 180
Board Member – Larry Feudo L. 293
Board Member – Dusty Kelly L. 149
After the elections the Musicians’ Pension of Fund of Canada made a report, followed by a report on the handling of the Benevolent Fund at Local 149.
There was a final discussion by the delegates on small Locals followed by conversations regarding the upcoming Canadian resolutions to the AFM Convention.
The location of the 2024 Canadian Conference is still being considered by the various Locals.
The Canadian Conference adjourned on Sunday, June 25, 2:30 PM.
If Local 180 members wish to read a copy of the various reports delivered by the Canadian Office, or by chairs of the various committees, please email me.
Thank you,
Rapport de la secrétaire trésorière
Rapport sur l’édition 2023 de la Conférence canadienne
L’édition 2023 de la Conférence canadienne a eu lieu à Las Vegas, au Nevada, du 23 au 25 juin. Vingt des vingt-quatre sections locales canadiennes étaient représentées. Les délégués de la Section locale 180 se composaient de la présidente, Francine Schutzman et de la secrétaire trésorière, Robin Moir.
La Conférence s’est ouverte à 18 h le vendredi. Après avoir chanté l’hymne national canadien et présenté les délégués présents, le président, Paul LeClair a désigné les comités comme suit :
Titres de compétence : Robin Moir, S.L. 180
Examen financier : présidente, Sue Moore, S.L. 518
Varun Vyas, S.L. 571
Norm S.Longo, consultant, S.L. 591
Résolutions : présidente, Francine Schutzman, S.L.180
Skip Kutz, S.L.553
Bob Fraser, S.L. 247
Eddy Bayens, consultant, S.L. 356
Élections : président, Al Torrance, S.L. 384
Brian Sklar, S.L. 446
Francine Schutzman, S.L. 180
Lieux : présidente, Debi Sander Walker, S.L. 149
Eric LeFebvre, S.L. 406
Comités permanents :
Diversité : présidente, Debi Sander Walker, S.L. 149
Gloria Dawn Halverson, S.L. 149
Kathy Moore, S.L. 467
Luc Fortin, S.L. 406
Normes : président, Doug Kuss, S.L. 547
Dusty Kelly, S.L. 149
Larry Feudo, S.L. 293
Paul Leclair, S.L. 276
Robin Moir, S.L. 180
Debi Sander Walker, S.L.149
Ces comités sont formés à chaque conférence afin d’examiner les travaux officiels de la Conférence pour l’année précédente et préparer la prochaine année. Comme 2023 était une année d’élections, parallèlement aux élections de la Convention de l’AFM, un comité d’élection a été formé.
Nous avons ensuite entendu les rapports du bureau canadien : Liana White, directrice générale de la FCM; Allistair Elliott, le représentant international pour le Canada; Bernard Leblanc, directeur des Services symphoniques du Canada; Wages Argott, directeur de la Division des travailleurs autonomes de l’AFM et Susan Whitfield, directrice de l’Administration pour le Bureau de l’AFM au Canada.
Doug Kuss, Section locale 547, président du comité des normes, a fait rapport sur le travail accompli, et Robin Moir, Section locale 180, a présenté le rapport au nom de la secrétaire trésorière sortante, Janna Malseed, qui ne pouvait participer à la Conférence.
Tous les rapports avaient précédemment été soumis à la Conférence canadienne et distribués aux délégués.
Les délégués étaient particulièrement intéressés par le guide des ressources actualisé à l’intention de représentants des sections locales, lequel a été piloté par le comité des normes. Le guide, qui est une ressource inestimable pour les représentants, est maintenant actualisé pour les Canadiens.
Le deuxième jour de la Conférence, le président sortant de l’AFM, Ray Hair, et le secrétaire trésorier sortant de l’AFM, Jay Blumenthal, se sont adressés aux délégués.
Ray Hair a fait une présentation cinglante sur les résolutions de la Conférence canadienne soumises à la Convention de l’AFM. La Conférence canadienne avait soumis cinq résolutions, chacune portant sur la façon dont les enjeux canadiens étaient gérés. Les résolutions visaient à ce que tous les enjeux canadiens relèvent de la compétence du vice-président pour le Canada. M. Hair a perçu nos résolutions comme un affront envers lui et l’AFM. Il ne semblait pas comprendre que le Canada est une nation souveraine et sujette aux lois canadiennes. Cela n’était pas de bon augure pour la prochaine convention.
Le secrétaire trésorier international, Jay Blumenthal, a présenté un rapport sur la bonne santé financière de l’AFM.
Le vice-président pour le Canada a présenté un rapport sur les nombreuses ententes canadiennes négociées avec succès au cours de l’année, et sur les nombreuses ententes encore en négociations.
Le conseil de la Conférence canadienne a permis à la MROC (Organisation des droits des musiciens du Canada) de tenir son assemblée générale pendant la Conférence afin de faciliter davantage la participation. La conseillère principale, Diana Barry, a présidé la présentation de la MROC.
Une courte pause a eu lieu après la discussion avec la MROC, et la mise en candidature des représentants ainsi que des précisions sur les procédures d’élection ont suivi.
Plusieurs petites sections locales canadiennes avaient demandé le débat phare visant les petites sections locales, lequel a eu lieu pendant la deuxième partie du deuxième jour. La conversation n’a toutefois pas fourni de perspectives ou de nouveaux renseignements. Il semble que les sections locales n’étaient pas préparées ou étaient réticentes à discuter de leurs situations variées, bien que comparables.
Le dernier jour de la Conférence canadienne, divers comités ont présenté leurs rapports et les élections ont été lancées.
Élus :
Président Paul Leclair, S.L. 276 – élu par acclamation
Vice-président, Luc Fortin, S.L. 406 – élu par acclamation
Secrétaire trésorière, Robin Moir, S.L. 180 – élue par acclamation
Membre du Conseil – Sue Moore, S.L. 518
Membre du Conseil – Rea Beaumont, S.L. 149
Membre du Conseil – Francine Schutzman, S.L. 180
Membre du Conseil – Larry Feudo, S.L. 293
Membre du Conseil – Dusty Kelly, S.L. 149
À la suite des élections, la Caisse de retraite des musiciens du Canada a présenté un rapport, suivi d’un rapport sur la gestion du fonds de bienfaisance de la Section locale 149.
Un dernier échange portant sur les petites sections locales a eu lieu entre les délégués, suivi de conversations au sujet des prochaines résolutions canadiennes présentées à la Convention de l’AFM.
Diverses sections locales réfléchissent encore au choix de l’endroit pour la tenue de l’édition 2024 de la Conférence canadienne.
L’ajournement de la Conférence canadienne a eu lieu le dimanche, 25 juin à 14 h 30.
Les membres de la Section locale 180 intéressés à lire une copie des divers rapports présentés par le bureau canadien, ou par les présidents de divers comités, n’ont qu’à me transmettre un courriel.
2023 OCSM Conference Report
Montreal, August 14-17
I was privileged to represent the National Arts Centre Orchestra at the 2023 OCSM conference in Montreal. This year’s conference was attended by 21 of Canada’s orchestras. It was a pleasure to be able to hear all the different end-of-season reports from each orchestra’s delegate live and in person. We did have one delegate attend via Zoom due to flight cancelations, but luckily that was the only major delay. There were many new, first-time delegates to this conference. It was gratifying to meet so many hard working, dedicated new members. It gave me the sense that the new generation is picking up the flag for advocacy for our industry.
On Monday, August 14, the OCSM Conference began at 1:00 pm with a welcome from AFM Local 406, followed by executive reports. After a break, we began the delegate reports from each orchestra. As there were many new delegates, Robert Fraser, President of OCSM, called on me to give the first report as I was one of the most experienced delegates present. There are no set criteria for these reports, so I felt a responsibility to give a fulsome review of the 2022-2023 NACO season. I could see that my report made an impression after watching many new delegates pull out their computers, pencils, and erasers frantically revising their presentations. This brought me back to my first conference where I did the same.
Tuesday was a full day which started off with reports from the different player conferences around North America, ICSOM, ROPA, TMA, and RMA. A report from the SSD staff followed. Of particular note was a short speech given by the new president of the AFM, Tino Gagliardi, a trumpet player, who was attending the conference in person. He gave us some background as to who he was and how he came to be involved with the union side of the business. I was impressed with his knowledge of our industry and his dedication to helping the music business in all areas. I got a chance to have a one-on-one conversation with Tino during a break this day. I found him engaging and very willing to be of service.
Afterwards an Organizing Workshop was presented by Rochelle Skolnick, Director of Symphonic Services and Special Counsel at the AFM. As always, Rochelle was informative and helpful. I could see that she made an impression with some of the delegates who were in the process of boosting solidarity in their orchestras. Following Rochelle’s presentation, Humberto Martins, Director of Pension Benefits for the Musicians Pension Fund of Canada gave an overview of last year’s performance of the fund. I am happy to report that the fund is healthy and that investment targets met or exceeded the standard for the industry for this type of pension plan. The day’s session ended with a presentation by Michael Wright, counsel for the AFM (Canada) Symphonic Services Division, on legal limits in organizing/job actions. The talk was informative and made for lively discussion from the delegates. The evening was spent at a private social event sponsored by Local 406 at the restaurant Saint-Houblon where we were provided with drinks and supper.
Wednesday morning, we continued the conference with a presentation by Katherine Carleton, Executive Director of Orchestras Canada. She gave a general overview of the state of our industry in Canada and, as always, made herself available for questions and discussion after her talk. This was followed by a presentation from Julia Gaunt-Rannala of Young Associates entitled “Orchestra Finances 101”. The next topic for the day was presented by Dr. Christine Guptill (U of Ottawa), and Carolyn Christie (McGill University) on Musicians’ Health and Wellness: New Resources. And to conclude the day, a presentation was made by Western Financial Group Insurance on the OCSM Musical Instrument Insurance Program.
Friday, the final half day of the conference started with a few leftover delegate reports. Afterwards, time was given for me to present OCSM with an overview of NACO’s new audition protocols, which were finalized during our recent negotiations with the NAC. The new system goes into effect at the start of the 2023-2024 season. The new protocols aim to add further anonymity and fairness to our orchestra auditions. The talk provided for lively
discussion on the topic of orchestral auditions. The conference concluded with the OCSM AGM where nominations/elections, committee reports, financial motions, and resolutions were dealt with.
It was a pleasure to be able to contribute to the 2023 OCSM conference in person. I felt that my experience in the business was a help to newer delegates especially. As always, forging relationships and communication are a basic staple of the grass-roots organization that OCSM is. I look forward to the possibility of attending next year’s event.
David Goldblatt
Assistant principal viola, NACO
She recently won the JUNO Award for Blues Album of the Year.
She won 2 Canadian Blues Music Awards (Maple Blues Awards), and was nominated for 4.
Her group recently won the Capitol Music Award for Group of the Year.
She was a nominee for Contemporary Singer of the Year at the 18th Canadian Folk Music Awards in 2023.
We’re talking about the amazing Angelique Francis, a multi-talented musician who specializes in blues, soul, folk, Americana, jazz, gospel, rock, and classic R and B. By the age of thirteen, she was proficient in acoustic guitar, upright bass, electric guitar, and electric bass. Also starting at this age, she was playing at music festivals across North America, opening for such acts as Beth Hart, Trooper and Shameka Copeland. Since she sounded like an old soul, people didn’t know how young she was (appearing at venues where you had to be nineteen years old even to get in) until she told them.
She started performing at the age of seven. At the age of thirteen, she appeared on the Oprah Network for writing and composing an original theme song for the Gayle King show. Her debut album, Kissed by the Blues, was released when she was only twenty.
Angelique had the good fortune to study at All Saints Catholic High School, where her teachers recognized her talent and allowed her to take one of the school’s double basses around to various music festivals. The school encouraged students to craft their own learning path. At Carleton University, where Angelique graduated at the top of her class (hmm…no surprise there), she concentrated on a singer/songwriter stream in which she focused on different subjects each semester — classical and jazz upright bass, blues harmonica, film composition, audio engineering and the business of music.
Angelique comes from a musical family. Her father Kiran plays drums. Her three sisters take part in her band — Kharincia on horns (tenor, alto and baritone saxes), Kira on trombone and keys (keyboard and Melodica) and Kayla as a backup singer — while their mother Khatina takes her place behind the camera. While the girls were growing up, their parents had two ground rules: The girls would receive ample support to pursue music if they maintained good grades and learned how to play an instrument. They had to learn the piano, then the guitar, and then were free to play any other instrument.
Angelique started off being self-taught on all of her instruments. Her father had a recording studio in the home, so she grew up wanting to create music.
That brings us to Covid. Having four band members in the same house made it possible for them to continue to practice and develop their craft. Current events inspired Angelique to write the songs on her Juno-winning album, Long River. The songs explore the various forms of Blues and Blues-influenced music, and reflect on the human condition and the ways in which we are all connected.
Angelique received a grant from the Ontario Arts Council to go into a studio to record. The album was supposed to come out in 2020, but the shutting down of studios made that impossible. Fortunately, Kiran and Angelique had the expertise to completely produce the album in their home studio. The album also features the playing of band members Dave Williamson on electric guitar and Ed Lister on trumpet.
Everything related to the album — engineering, cover, photography, graphic design, mixing, mastering — was completed at home. Angelique’s experience as an audio tech at Carleton, working for the events team, served her well.
The composition of Angelique’s band is a fluid one, consisting of four to six pieces, depending upon the needs of the occasion. The one constant is that Angelique has written all of the songs put out so far. And she doesn’t just perform music: she is an actor, voice actor, and composer.
When asked how a young girl gets to be known in musical circles in the first place, Angelique explained that she just put herself out there. From a young age, she did a lot of charitable performances, was in competitions, used social media, and met a lot of people along the way.
Since then, she has performed on stages across the globe, won a JUNO, and has joined the Grammy Recording Academy.
So there you have it: choose your family carefully, bring intelligence and talent to the table, work as hard as you can, and you’re all set!
Front Row From Left to Right: Larry Feudo – L. 293 Hamilton, Francine Schutzman – L. 180 – Ottawa, Sue Moore – L. 518 – Kingston President – Paul Leclair – L. 276 Sault Ste. Marie, VP Luc Fortin – L. 406 – Québec, Secretary/Treasurer – Robin Moir L. 180 – Ottawa, Dusty Kelly – L. 149 – Toronto, Rea Beaumont -L. 149 – Toronto
We encourage all of our members to join PAL (
Please see their website and the March eNewsHarp for details about the organization and the planned residence for members of the arts community. It is not too soon to sign up for affordable housing for retirees, even if you are not sure that you’ll need it. And if you are not close to retirement, your membership will help the organization to focus on the needs of our community.
After receiving an unprecedented number of applications of the Live Music Workers Fund, we reopened the application.
Since the official application launch we have received thousands of submissions, making it very clear that our industry is in great need of this help. We are so proud and appreciative of the work you and your organizations have all done and continue to do to ensure that everyone in the Canadian Live Music Industry has access to this funding. While the pandemic may appear to be over, it continues to negatively impact the livelihoods of people in our community.
Attached (below) is the step-by-step guide to the application in English and French, which includes the link to the application.
Détails de l’application étape par étape
Attend in-person LOCAL 180 GENERAL MEETING
Monday, September 11th @ 12:00 p.m.
If you know ahead of time that you’re attending in-person, please notify so we know how much pizza to order.
Relief Fund Alive and Well
The Relief Fund was established by Local 180 to help those musicians most greatly affected by the pandemic. Thanks to the generous donations made by our own members, with a special shout-out to the musicians of the NAC Orchestra, we plan to maintain the Relief Fund and to add to it. The pandemic may appear to be over, but its effects will linger for a long time, and one never knows what is around the corner. So here are a couple of things to keep in mind:
If you need assistance, or if you are aware of a fellow member who needs it, send a message to Robin. We do not ask those who need funds to justify the need or tell us what they will be used for. We assume that if you ask for help, you genuinely need it.
If you are in a position to do so, please contribute to the fund. You might need to tap into it some day yourself.
Monday, September 11th, 12:00 PM
Please let Dan know ( if you will be attending so that we know how much pizza to order.
Peter Turner and Kyle Jordan
With the support of the friends, family and fans of the membership of the Musicians’ Association of Ottawa-Gatineau, the Local established this fund to assist the music community impacted so deeply by the pandemic. It is a fund created by musicians for musicians. For more information email:
The Unison Benevolent Fund’s mission is to help professional music-makers in times of hardship, illness or economic difficulties. Unison provides a vital lifeline for members of the Canadian music community; and due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for Unison’s counselling and emergency relief services has never been greater.
Unison Benevolent Fund CLICK HERE
SOCAN Foundation announces the launch of the SOCAN Foundation Relief Fund for SOCAN members during the COVID-19 pandemic. “While SOCAN members are quarantining, the SOCAN Foundation offers this program to provide some financial support to music creators and publishers to get through these unprecedented times. This new fund is open to all SOCAN members who have earned more than $500 in royalties in the four most recent SOCAN distributions.
Over the years many of our members have turned to the Actors’ Fund of Canada, which has been in existence since 1958 and disburses over $500,000 annually to cover necessities for members of all the many and various trades and professions that make up the entertainment industry, including musicians. Common requests include: Rent or mortgage, Grocery costs, Medical costs, Emergency dental costs, Utility bills Dues (maximum of one year’s worth of dues; no initiation fees)
Childcare expenses
Support for individuals
Support for Independent production companies
We are creating the Short-Term Compensation Fund initiative to compensate independent production companies for the lack of insurance coverage for COVID-19–related filming interruptions and production shutdowns in the sector.The fund will make as much as $50 million available for the industry.
Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)
The CRB provides $500 per week for up to 26 weeks for workers who have stopped working or had their income reduced by at least 50% due to COVID-19, and who are not eligible for Employment Insurance (EI).
Employer Payroll Service:
When the services of an Employer Payroll Service are required, that fee will be calculated at 25% of each contract total.
This amendment reflects what is happening on a national level.
New Members
Jeremy Bedard: Clarinet, Bass Clarinet
Franckel Jr. Cineas: Vocalist
Martin Duford: Guitar
Kimberley Gabie: Vocalist
Jose Garcia: Drum Set, Percussion
Steve Hambling: Bass, Flute, Guitar, Saxophone, Piano
Jeff Homere: Vocalist
Yvan Pedneault: Vocalist
Maxime Renaud: Guitar
Noah Rivard: Drums, Percussion
Abbott, Rebecca
Bacon, Anthony John
Berriault, Daniel
Blais, Michael
Brierley, Douglas
Cardiff, Craig
Chenhall, John Ferguson
Homma, Aaron Keay
Martin, Blake
Martin, Dakota
Mastronardi, Alex
Mccann, Sean
Mcgovern, John
Momy, Maurice
Pickering, Erin
Pulak, Zachary
Rangno, Rick
Reid, James
Runge, Evan
Sobb, Matthew
Taras, Lisa
Van Gulik, Steven
Weeks, Gregory R.G.
Weinroth-Browne, Raphael
Our mailing address is:
The Musicians’ Association of Ottawa-Gatineau
Local 180
280 Metcalfe Street, Suite 301
Ottawa, ON K2P 1R7
Allston, Andrew
Bryden, Lindsay
Cupit, Sarah
Dahn, Renèe
Dassios, Michael
Donais, Mathieu
Dube, Jan
Dube, Liam
Dube, Quinn
Flores Esquivel, Alonso
Geller, Chloe
Kendall, Justin
Leclerc, Marc-Etienne
McLeod, Marlayah
Mguni, Anna
Plante, Miguel
Reed, Ember-Leah
Schultz, Ursula
Uchino, Minako
Vangeli, Vasilika
2AFM ID Numbers
Dear Members,
For the purposes of filing contracts, the Musicians’ Pension Fund of Canada has done a great deal of work to protect the privacy of members in terms of SIN numbers. Canadian Locals are now permitted to use an AFM ID number in lieu of a SIN number on all contracts.
When sending funds from the Local 180 office, we will require you to know your AFM ID number.
Beginning in January this year, the office has included your AFM ID number on your membership dues receipt, which you received in the mail.
You may also go to and register there to obtain your AFM ID number and update any information. The good thing about registering on the site is that when you update your personal information, it is also received in the office so that we are current.
Upcoming Local 180 General Meetings in 2023
September 11 – 12:30 PM – In person
December 4 – 12:30 PM – In person and ON-Line VIA ZOOM
Monday to Friday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Attention Members!!!
Due to popular demand members may now pay membership dues using E-Mail Transfer using the email address
Once we process the transfer, we will send you an electronic receipt.
If you are planning to file contracts electronically in 2022, please use
our new e-mail address:
Thank you!
Do we have your current email address?
The Local 180 Office sends out important advisories to members by email and we want to make sure that you’re reachable. This year the Local will also be paying most musicians using E-Transfer and Direct Deposit, so we MUST have your correct e-mail address.
Please notify the office of any changes to your contact information. Include your phone number, home address and email address.
Call (613)700-9260 to make sure that we have your correct contact information.
A person who has been expelled from our Association is no longer a member of the Association or the AFM. Members and leaders are reminded:
Do not play engagements with non-members. Persons are generally expelled for serious violations of our Constitution and Bylaws. Expulsion is not a life sentence; the individual has the right to settle these matters with the Board and regain member status. But until that step has been taken, we urge leaders and members not to give non-member rights and privileges which belong only to members.
Next Deadline for Membership Dues January 31, 2023
Your business is music to our ears.
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All-risks’ coverage on your instruments and equipment
Worldwide coverage – no Territory Exception
Rental Reimbursement — up to $10,000 in coverage, if you need to rent instruments or
equipment in the event of a loss -
$100 deductible per occurrence on instruments and equipment, as opposed to other proposed rates are $250
Up to $2,500 coverage on promotion material, T-shirts, CD’s, posters, etc.
Loss of earnings up to $5,000 due to loss or damage to venue
Loss of earning up to $5,000 due to loss or damage to equipment
Locked vehicle – no exclusion
Rented, Leased or Borrowed Equipment, $10,000 limit up to 30 consecutive days
Optional Commercial General Liability including bodily injury, property damage, medical payments, tenants legal liability and non-owned automobile
$2.20 rate per $100 sum insured for Instruments and Equipment ($100 deductible)
Liability rates ($500 deductible):
$1,000,000 limit – $66/member
$2,000,000 – $127/member
Higher limits available upon request
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